Quiz Nine ~ MSNBC's Susan Filan's fabrications about Nifong

1. Susan Filan's role at MSNBC is as...
  Copy Editor
  Senior Legal Analyst
  News Director
  Legal News Anchor

2. In her June 17, 2007 article, Ms. Filan accused Mr. Nifong of...
  damaging the reputation of the sport of lacrosse
  damaging the reputation of college sports
  damaging the reputation of Duke lacrosse coach Mike Pressler
  damaging the reputaion of Durham

3. The NBC-Universal executive who refused to accept the certified letter from the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong is...
  Jeff Zucker
  Jason Mahoney
  Phil Richardson
  Tom Fetzer

4. Which of the following was NOT incorporated in the "Super-Duper Cooper" comic strip featuring Susan Filan?
  Geraldo Rivera
  Gerry Spence
  Dan Abrams

5. Whichof the following statements was espoused by Ms. Filan in her article... and is FALSE?
  Disbarring a lawyer is rare
  Disbarring a prosecutor is rare
  Disbarring a lawyer is common
  Disbarring a prosecutor is common

6. Ms. Filan accused Mr. Nifong of asking his son to attend his disciplinary hearing for the following reasons EXCEPT...
  to gain pity
  to gain leniency
  for financial gain
  to gain sympathy

7. When Ms. Filan stated that Mr. Nifong requested his son attend his disciplinary hearing, the source for her statement was...
  Mr. Nifong's maid
  a video recording from a public news service
  blogger Andrew Breitbart
  none - - it was a total fabrication

8. Of letters written to Ms. Filan and NBC-Universal executies, the following are true EXCEPT...
  only letters sent by certified mail were returned
  letters not sent certified were neither responded to nor returned
  letters were returned for insufficient postage
  all letters returned were inside "Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong" envelopes

9. Ms. Filan made the following claims in her article EXCEPT...
  Mr. Nifong's actions were always self-serving
  Mr. Nifong never chose to do the right thinkg
  lawyering is the only way Mr. Nifong knows to make a living
  Mr. Nifong will be forced to retire and collect his pension

10. Ms. Filan's cautionary advice to prosecutors includes the following EXCEPT...
  don't go "Hollywood"
  prosecute using the principles of equal justice for all
  don't play fast and loose with the evidence
  play by the rules

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